How CranioSacral Therapy works...
Anatomically speaking, craniosacral therapists work with the rhythmic motion expressed by the craniosacral system – the bones of the skull (cranium), the spine and the tailbone (sacrum), with the meningeal membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord, with the precious cerebrospinal fluid contained within those membranes, and with the fascial tissue that envelopes all body structures including the nerves emerging from the central nervous system to the rest of the body. These structures work together to pump cerebrospinal fluid around the central nervous system in a rhythm of approximately 6-12 cycles per minute, and this craniosacral motion can be palpated and assessed.
Because nerve function is compromised by anything that interferes with the effective transmission of impulses – physical, psycho-emotional, neurological, energetic – CST seeks to restore, enhance and support free and unrestricted rhythmic motion and flow of fluids throughout the craniosacral system and all other body systems.
We also work with deeper rhythmic patterns that underpin and lend vitality and potency to rhythmic motion. Our aim is to restore full and balanced rhythms that express free motion and vitality, harnessing the potential of self-corrective mechanisms in the body.
CST has evolved from its roots in Osteopathy to a holisitc treatment modality that integrates the physical, psychological, emotional and energetic facets of each individual.
Originating in Franklin Taylor Stills system of Osteopathic medicine, craniosacral practice was pioneered by the work of Dr William Sutherland, which explored the fundamental concept of an underlying vitality - expressed as the Breath of Life - which creates and maintains our health and well-being, and which is expressed through the fluids, membranes, bones and other tissues of the body. It incorporates the subsequent concepts of Rollin Becker, James Jealous, and was further developed into a complete whole-body evaluation and treatment method by Dr John Upledger. refined in a biodynamic direction by Franklyn Sills and others and integrated in a broader direction by Thomas Atlee.
I practice Integrated Cranial-Sacral Therapy as taught by Thomas Atlee, founder and principal of the London-based College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy. Established in 1986, the College integrates biodynamic principles, biomechanic knowledge, fascial unwinding, mindful practice, and quantum perception as applied to distance CST.
Now established throughout the world, CST is gaining recognition for its effectiveness in supporting health and well-being.